1. Who is the host of the podcast?
Rev. Dr. Brandan Scully hosts the show until he can hire someone talented.
2. How do I subscribe to the podcast?
Click the subscribe button on the homepage, or subscribe in your podcast app of choice.
3. How can I support you?
Download the show. Leave a review wherever you download the show. Tell your friends to download the show. Show some IG love: @huntingfatherhood. If you would like to contribute ideas, be a guest on the podcast, have your work or company featured in a profile, teach me and/or my son how to hunt the way you do, or collaborate, send me an email. If you would like to contribute monetarily, you can do that from the Support HF page using Buy Me a Coffee, Venmo, or Paypal. I appreciate your support, no matter how you choose to show it. Thank you!
4. Do you have merch for sale?
Not yet, but soon. Sign up for notifications. If you would like to collaborate, send me an email.
5. Who is your hero?
Christopher Wallace.